The Accursed Castle :: music for animation - Jarek Kordaczuk
Enchanted castle - animation, cut-out, a film for children and young people, cut-out technique, a 3D movie in the convention cutouts. The music is composed by Jarek Kordaczuk music for animation, music for movie. The soundtrack is based on the music Jarek Kordaczuka. According to legend, Warmia, author Maria Zientara-Malewska

The Accursed Castle Music to the animation based on the fairy tale \"The Accursed Castle in the Olsztyn\'s Forest\" by Maria Zientara-Malewska Realization: Moving Pictures Studio Commisioned by: The Olsztyn Town Council About the film The Accursed Castle in the Olsztyn's Forest" The animated film based on the fairy tale by Maria Zientara-Malewska was made as a part of the Warmian Anthology project - that is Warmia region in fairy tales, legends and folk tales. Almost two thousadns of cut-outs were made during the process of the film production  - each of them hand drawn,hand cut and photographied! Narrator: Maria Helena Iglesias Vigil Warmia: Agnieszka Kołodyńska Voices: Marcin Wawruk, Grzegorz Kolendo Reader: Przemek Wiśniewski Illustrations: Paweł Kurylak, Adam Smoczyński Cinematography: Maciek Łojewski Music and sound: Jarek Kordaczuk Animation and editing: Adam Smoczyński Production: Studio Ruchome Dźwięki Realization: Studio Ruchome Obrazki   The Accursed Castle - cut-outs from the film.   The fairy tale THE ACCURSED CASTLE IN THE OLSZTYN'S FOREST Maria Zientara-Malewska   Once upon a time, on  the hill, in the forest, where the swift stream meets the Łyna River there was a wonderful castle. Our fathers  used to show us its slanted, mossy roofs sticking out of the ground - the last traces of the accursed castle. A long, long time ago the castle was famous in the neighbourhood and all across the country. Its enormous towers bathed in the summer morning sun or the crismon of dusk, delighted not only the local folks but also many a wanderer from remote countries who came to see this famous and beautiful fortification. Those who passed the castle in the winter time, had an opportuniy to see the view they had never seen before. The castle sprinkled with snow, was shining in the sun with millions of colours, it looked as if it could reach the sky with its perfect whiteness, being a part of its own fairy tale.   The master of this castle was a very rich person. It was said, there were hundred chests of silver, gold and jewels hidden in the cellars. Tapestries embroidered with silver and golden threads hanged on the walls, innumerable bear and wolf skins lied on the floors. The walls of feasthall were covered with the gold of the Baltic Sea - amber. The owner of the castle was not only rich but what was even more important, kind and just. The folk trusted him, however noone dared to approach him close enough as his face was severe and stony. What he liked best, was climbing the highest terrace of the castle while the dusk was covering the world with its crismon coat and the peasants were coming back from their fields singing all the way. Their scythes and sickles were shining. Girl's scarfs turning red like poppies. The men sharpening scythes, were singing the anthem of reapers, accompanied by the rythmical clang of steel: "Crop, carrying the crop.The crop from the fields" His wife Warmia was often seen standing next to him. Looking around with her motherly eye, loving everyone with her motherly heart. Her twelve sons lived among the folk healthy and hard-working and their offspring resided the villages and settlements. Warmia was the symbol of unity and home love. Once a year, on the St.John's Eve, all the sons and their families arrived to the castle filling its aged walls with uproar and laughter. The parents welcomed them at the gate, hugging and kissing everyone. Tears of joy were glistening in Warmia's eyes when she was cuddling her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Fests and hunt in the Olsztyn's forests lasted for seven days. Later on everyone returned to their duties and the dead silence fell amongst he old walls again. The life went on in love and peace until the day just before St. John's when a stranger came to the castle. He talked to the master all night long not to sleep a wink. The news he brought must have been important as their faces looked anxious and concerned. On the third day, there came the fire at the highest tower - it was a sign for the sons to go to their father right away. It wasn't long since they arrived from different parts of the country. The father and the wanderer awaited them in the amber hall to share the terrible news. Two of the neighbours - envious of their happiness, decided to abduct and kill mother Warmia. The cries were heard from afar and the glows of burning villages marked the paths of enemy. At the St.John's night the hostile army set up a camp in the forest next to the castle. Their ferocious singing and swaggers echoed the old walls. At the same time a small child was wandering across the forest. Its little heart was trembling with fear but it had to be brave as Warmia had promised to prepare a herbal cure for its mother. Tat day the forest was filled with a kind of brightness. Among the velvet mosses grew the wide leaves of fern. Suddenly the child stopped. It saw a wonderful flower glistening with the colors of the rainbow. The child picked the miraculous flower up with its trembling little hand, and unnoticed by the enemy reached the gates of the castle which opened on their own. The Warmian child, pressing the precious flower against its breast, went to the hall where all the residents of the castle were gathered. Barefoot, holding the beautiful plant in its little hands it kneeled down and gave the treasure to Warmia who cuddled it to her breast. Giving the child the medicine and some food she said: "Go and say my people that even if the enemy will kill my body it will never kill my spirit. I'll be with you in every ear of corn, in every flower and tree, in the blow of the wind, in the rustle of forests, in the murmur of lakes and rivers, in the silence of night and the heat of summer noon. My army will sleep for ages, but the day of awakening will come and I will be your mother and carer again. Let my words live from generation to generation and woe for those who forget". After the child had left, the echo spread the sound of armored steps around the castle.  The chambers and halls, even basements and the famous passage that led from the forest to St.Jacob's Church were filled with soldiers. Warmia stood on the hill and when the last gate had been closed, she slowly raised a hand holding the flower of happiness. The castle started to fall underground, deeper and deeper until it disappeard. The army fell asleep and stayed like this for ages. Only mother Warmia could come up the ground as she had the miraculous flower. She was often seen wearing white laces and muslin, wondering down the Łyna River. People avoided the place where the accursed castle had stood. It was said that the place is haunted. Especially at St. John's night you could hear the clang of arms, some magic spells and "Bogurodzica"( the anthem of Polish knights) coming from underground. It was said that those were the knights from Grunwald Battle who sang. In the forest by the Łyna River, there is a hill covered with moss, ferns and bilberry bushes. Tall oaks, beeches, pines and spruces are rustling the everlasting story about the accursed castle. The golden blue waves of Łyna River are playing the song about Warmia and the wind takes it far away, right up to the Baltic Sea. Sonokinetic Incident Factory Izabela Kościesza Sonokinetic works Małgosia Wawruk Sensor matrix Experimental music Installations Coral music Solo pieces Improvised music Acousmatic music Electronic Music Monoctone Pieces for children Jarek Kordaczuk mp3 Dark Energy Agnieszka Kołodyńska Pantomime Electroacoustic music Vocal-instrumental music Instrumental Music Musical interpretations of fairy tales Compositions Adam Smoczyński Sacred Music EWI ProForma Theatrical music Jan Brzechwa Julian Tuwim Sebastian Wypych Poetic song Sung poetry Jarosław Kordaczuk Arrangements Videoclips Animations Titelituralia Onomatopeic compositions Theatre of Sound A Room Full of Fairy Tales Children's Art Centre Cezary Konrad Krzysztof Herdzin Basia Raduszkiewicz Music for children

Jarek Kordaczuk
Pieces for children
All projects
Children's Art CentreInstrumental Music
MonoctoneVocal-instrumental music
Musical interpretations of fairy talesTheatrical music
Acousmatic musicPoetic song
Music for childrenTheatre of Sound
Experimental musicPieces for children
Electroacoustic musicOnomatopeic compositions
Improvised musicSonokinetic works

The Accursed Castle

Music to the animation based on the fairy tale "The Accursed Castle in the Olsztyn's Forest" by Maria Zientara-Malewska

Realization: Moving Pictures Studio

Commisioned by: The Olsztyn Town Council

Zaklęty zamek
\"Zaklęty zamek w lesie olsztyńskim\"
na podstawie baśni Marii Zientary-Malewskiej

muzyka i dźwięk Jarek Kordaczuk
The Accursed Castle (soundtrack)
Film score composed by Jarek Kordaczuk.
Recording & mastering: Studio Ruchome Dźwięki.
The Accursed Castle in the Olsztyn's Forest"

The animated film based on the fairy tale by Maria Zientara-Malewska was made as a part of the Warmian Anthology project - that is Warmia region in fairy tales, legends and folk tales.

Almost two thousadns of cut-outs were made during the process of the film production  - each of them hand drawn,hand cut and photographied!

Narrator: Maria Helena Iglesias Vigil
Warmia: Agnieszka Kołodyńska
Voices: Marcin Wawruk, Grzegorz Kolendo
Reader: Przemek Wiśniewski

Illustrations: Paweł Kurylak, Adam Smoczyński
Cinematography: Maciek Łojewski
Music and sound: Jarek Kordaczuk
Animation and editing: Adam Smoczyński

Production: Studio Ruchome Dźwięki
Realization: Studio Ruchome Obrazki

The Accursed Castle - cut-outs from the film.